Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 The Greeks

Capital Athens

Greatest warrior Alexander the great

The greatest kings Alexander the Great and Seleucus

Find fascinating history facts from around the globe, from ancient civilizations like ancient Egypt and incredible kingdoms to lost cities and gruesome legends perfect for young historians like you!

Discover bloody battles, mighty monarchs, and fierce warriors and uncover incredible historical facts that will wow your friends and family.

Learn about awe-inspiring characters from our past, such as Queen and Henry VIII, life-changing world events like World War I and II, brush up on Britain’s rich and often bloody past, and much, much more.

Ready for a time-traveling adventure, gang? Click about below to start your journey!

 Did you know that the Ancient Greeks invented the theatre? They loved watching plays, and most cities had a theatre some big enough to hold 15,000 people! Only men and boys were allowed to be actors, and they wore masks, which showed the audience whether their character was happy or sad. Some of the masks had two sides, so the actor could turn them around to change the mood for each scene. 

Who were the greek soldiers



All the men living in a Greek city-state were expected to fight in the army. In most cases, these weren't full-time soldiers, but men who owned land or businesses who were fighting to defend their property.


What weapons and armor did they have?


Each Greek warrior had to provide his own armor and weapons. Typically, the wealthier the soldier the better armor and weapons he had. A full set of armor included a shield, a bronze breastplate, a helmet, and greaves that protected the shins. Most soldiers carried a long spear called a doru and a short sword called a xiphos.


A full set of armor and weapons could be very heavy and weigh well over 60 pounds. The shield alone could weigh 30 pounds. The shield was considered the most important part of a soldier's armor. It was considered a disgrace to lose your shield in battle. Legend has it that Spartan mothers told their sons to return home from battle "with their shield or on it." By "on it" they meant dead because dead soldiers were often carried on their shields.




The main Greek soldier was the foot soldier called a "hoplite." Hoplites carried large shields and long spears. The name "hoplite" comes from their shield which they called the "hoplon."


the Greek Gods

  • Zeus. God of the Sky 

  • Hera. Goddess of Marriage, 

  • Poseidon. God of the Sea 

  • Demeter. Goddess of Agriculture 

  • Ares. God of War 

  • Athena. Goddess of Wisdom,

  • Apollo. ...

  • Artemis.


Sunday, September 20, 2020

 Activity 2

That summer, let's see, I'm still living in the basement, my own private down under, in the little room Grim built for me there. Glued up this cheap paneling, right? It sort of buckles away from the concrete cellar walls, a regular ripple effect, but do I complain about the crummy paneling or the rug that smells like the low tide? I do not. Because I like it in the down under, got the place all to myself and no fear of Gram - sticking her head in the door and saying Maxwell dear, what are you doing?

The reason that Max has to live with his grandparents is because his mom is dead, and his father is in jail.  Now here's the real kicker.  Max's father, Kenny Kane, is in prison for murdering his own wife.  That is horrible, and what is worse is that Max witnessed the murder of his own mother.

Max is a traumatized kid, and he suffers from low self-esteem.  For those two reasons alone, it makes a lot of sense why Max Kane prefers the basement of his grandparent's house to just about anywhere else.  It is his sanctuary and his hiding place.   


Sunday, September 6, 2020


Japan is a very big group of islands just off the mainland of Asia. it has high montontons and bustling cities along with Ruf tren.

 location- small islands in the Pacific Ocean of main islands of Asia made up of 6820 Islands approximate the 11th largest population in the world.

 History- the sight of Tokyo has been inhabited Since ancient times Japan coalesced around AD300 noon 1 September 1923 a 7.9 earthquake struck south of Tokyo in Sagami bay killing 124,000 People the Great Kanto earthquake.

 Population- 2019-13.926 2020-37.393 

 Culture- early Japanese culture was 19 influenced by China Weston culture is a huge influence edo era-isolated something from the world the popular city 20th century.

 climate- mide of winter cold. Early summer and Autumn are rainy seasons. Typhoons occur during September and October.