Thursday, November 19, 2020



Banse is a street artist in London who is known as a very good artist. And Banksy's art gets sold for at least 1 mill now one really knows much about Banksy. We don’t even know if Banksy is a boy or a girl. 

Google says that Banksy's name is a boy name so it is more of a possibility for Banksy to be a boy  Banksy picer

This week we have been working on street art and I wroght about Banksy

By Lachlan

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 I think that these men should have been arrested because they were doing the wrong thing and they should have none better than to do Graffiti

this instant was cased in London there were two men involved in the doing Graffiti

graffiti is a ti of street art accept that it is without pmishon which can lead to serious crime which also can lead to Gail which is what happened here in this instant. 

this week we have been learning about this artcal to do with graffiti. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Ninja Tag

 this week I have created a video about how to play Ninja Tag all the info is on this video.

By Lachlan.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

 Core reefs

A reef is a big group of rocks on the ocean floor, but did you know that a coral reef is actually alive with small fish all around it? 


When Coral reefs are Bleaching they turn white like snow which means that they are dying because their body tempchar goes up by 2% because of global warming this is why we are losing coral reefs                    

Here is a pitcher of a bleached coral

   This coral is dead


Today we were learning about coral bleaching in the ocean and why there were bleaching 



Monday, November 2, 2020

Ninja Tag

 A short game inside.

Equipment: you 

Time/amount of people: 4 to 100 people about 10 min

Game terms: the h pass when you are the ninja and you do not want to be the ninja you pass it. there is no double passing eg: the ninja passes it. the person that the ninja passed it to can't pass it again.

How to play/ rules: the teacher picks a person to be the ninja /tager. If you get tagged you have to sit down. You can not talk or you are out. You can't take a step unless the ninja takes a step. If the ninja takes a step at someone and misses the person that the ninja stepped at is now the ninja.

The ninja can only take one step and that step has to be at someone.